From 2011 to 2019, Green Chair Recycling has diverted 210,443 kilograms of materials from the landfill. In the last 4 years we have seen an overall rise in diversion rates approximately 25% at the events we work. Just in 2019, most of our events diverted over 80% of their waste from the landfill. Every year the commitment from the events we work is stronger and we see those attending the events are better prepared to dispose of their waste. We attribute this rise to increased communication and promotion of our recycling program and learned behaviour from attending previous events and our incredible volunteers posted at our recycling stations.
We have been in contact with an innumerable amount of people. From students of all ages during our outreach presentations, the 5,000+ volunteers, 2,600 social media followers, event organizers and countless members of the public. Although it’s not calculated, we know there is a domino effect of the information we share. In 2019 our unstoppable change-makers contributed educating people with 2143 volunteering hours in 123 event days.
Metro Vancouver is located in such a biodiverse and biologically important location that diverting and minimizing waste have long lasting and far reaching impacts beyond what we can see.